Monday, June 21, 2010

2010 Standing After 4 tournaments

Well here are the standings, do not forget to check my scores for you. They are listed in order of the tournaments that we have fished. Scoring your best 3 scores out of 4. Please let me know if I have you wrong because I will miss a few and if you will let me know I will check and correct. Looks like if everyone on the point standing right now will qualify for the classic, if you keep fishing or pay for your points but you still have to fish 5 tournaments and pay for all.

Point system
1-100pts, 2-99pts, 3-98pts, 4-97pts, 5-96, 6-95, 7-94, 8-93, 9-92, 10-91, 11-90, 12-89, 13-88, 14-87, 15-86, 16-85, 17-84, 18-83, 19-82, 20-81, 21-80, 22-79, 23-78, 24-77, 25-74, then if you paid for points, your points are 5 less that last place for that tournament

1.William Loyd- 99,96,98,100 - 297pts
1.Todd Chapman - 99,96,98,100 - 297pts
2.Dustin Bonds - 91,99,99,97 - 295pts
2.Tim Rawls - 91,99,99,97 - 295pts
3.Ryan Spakes - 97,89,91,98 - 286pts
3.Tim Brock - 90,100,96,82 - 286pts
3.Kenny Laxon - 87,97,90,99 - 286pts
3.Aric Pankey - 87,97,90,99 - 286pts
4.Brian Bloesch - 100,90,86,94 - 284pts
4.Larry Helmke - 100,90,86,94 - 284pts
5.Kerry Ward - 95,85,94,92 - 281pts
5. James Warren - 95,78,94,92 - 281pts
5.Jermey Lindley - 76,87,100,94 - 281pts
6.Chuck Halbert - 93,98,89,89 - 280pts
7.Rob Kendrick - 76,92,92,91 - 275pts
8.David Dunigan - 98,83,81,93 - 274pts
9.Scott Pryor - 82,85,92,96 - 273pts
10.Randy Dunigan - 81,88,88,93 - 272pts
11.Michael Buie - 81,88,96,82 - 266pts
12.Ed Raper - 84,83,93,88 - 265pts
13.Bo Henderson - 83,86,87,90 - 263pts
13.James Barron - 83,86,87,90 - 263pts

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