Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nathan Spakes Fund Raiser Fishing Tournament

Going to have a fruit jar tournament where we are put in some money and winner takes some and the rest of the money going to being given to Ryan Spakes. Ryan Spakes is a life long West Helena Bass club member and back before Christmas his son Nathan who has fished alot with us also had a very bad 4-wheeler accident. The 4 wheeler landed on Nathan's head cause serious damage. Nathan was flown to trauma center in memphis where he has been in the ICU and still is. Nathan's brain had alot of fluid on it and he had to have holes in his skull to relieve the pressure. Nathan though is expected to have a full recovery but it is going to be a very long process for him and his family. Well Ryan has health insurance but there is alot of cost that the insurance is not paying. So I would like to put a tourney together to show Ryan and Nathan our support as a club and to wish Nathan a speedy recovery. All money well be given to Nathan and his family. We will still will have a first place payout. Maddoux bay is the location right now but is subject to change. The date is the first weekend in February.

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