Thursday, June 2, 2011

24th Annual Stewart Warren Memorial Bubby Bass Tourn.

The 24th Annual Stewart Warren Memorial Bubby Bass Tournament is on Saturday, July 9th and going to be held at Maddox Bay Landing. Entry fee is going to be 60 dollars per boat which includes big bass. Have your boats in the water by 5:30am. You can either use a big boat or little boat and you can also drag your boat. All Boats types are welcomed. You have to use the same boat you blast off in and no mechanical help dragging. Public Lakes only and no private lakes. There is a 5 fish Limit. So please tell all your freinds to come join the fun. This tournament is a fund raising tournament for the Turner Syndrome Society. Remember this tournament is not only for little boats that can be dragged it is for all boats big or small.

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