Sunday, March 11, 2012

Larry Casey Relay For Life Tournament Results

Well it was the biggest tournament I have every had boat wise. We had a AWESOME turnout with 32 boats. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the Realy For Life.
1.Matt Holland/Brandon Wotten - 22lbs2ozs
2.Aric Pankey/Kenny Laxon - 21lbs5ozs
3.Michael Buie/Randy Dunigan - 21lbs2ozs
4.Earshel Mauldin/Dale Burton - 20lbs3ozs
5.Tim Rawls/Michael Damron - 19lbs14ozs
6.Alan Bull/Hunter Green - 18lbs13ozs
7.Rob Kendrick/Chuck Halbert - 17lbs1oz
8.Ed Raper/Joe Swaite - 17lbs
9.Foster Mitchell/Brittany Mitchell - 16lbs6ozs
10.Dustin Bond/Casey Arnold - 15lbs
11.Robbie Travis/Scott Pryor - 14lbs6ozs
12.Ryan Spakes/Lee Keirsey - 13lbs1oz
13.Ryan Clark/Jimmy Poe - 11lbs11ozs
14.Brandon Rusell/Vance Kalb - 11lbs8ozs
15.Kent Kerisey/Blake Keirsey - 9lbs1oz
16.Dalton Woodyard/Justin Spakes - 8lbs12ozs
17.Scott Carter/Steve Breeding - 8lbs9ozs
18.Chris Hawk/Justin Thompson - 4lbs11ozs
19.Randy & Anthony Smith - 3lbs2ozs
20.Anthony Arnold/Stephanie Arnold - 3lbs
21.Bryce Buckner
21.Brian Helton/Pryor Helton
21.Ronnie White/Collin White
21.Kenny Holt/Ryan Holt
21.David White/Richard Faulk
21.Bradley Taylor
21.Michael Posey/Kerry Lee
21.Kyle Hess
21.David Dunigan
21.Joe Garner/Jeremy Kamp
21.James Chandler/Russell Pettie
21.KalebHolt/Brent Holt

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